Baby Loss Awareness Week

baby_loss_awareness_week9th – 15th October

Baby Loss Awareness Week provides the opportunity for parents and whānau around New Zealand to come together and remember the lives of their babies who have died. We acknowledge the lives and deaths of all babies, no matter what their gestation, length of life or how they died.

It is also a chance to highlight the work done by Sands around New Zealand. The aims for the week are:

  • To promote 15th October as International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.
  • To promote the Annual Global Wave of Light and other events or services where parents can publicly acknowledge their babies.
  • To raise awareness and increase understanding of the impact of baby loss amongst the wider community.
  • To invite all Sands parents, whānau and friends to our Annual Remembrance Day and other events. See event details below.

Annual Remembrance Day – Sunday 13th October 2024

We are delighted to once again be working in conjunction with Holy Trinity Cathedral to provide our Annual Remembrance Day service, and you are warmly invited to join us.

Holy Trinity Cathedral have been great supporters of Sands, by lighting the cathedral as part of the Sands NZ Light Up Aotearoa campaign each year, and by hosting our 2023 Remembrance Day service. Both Dean Anne Mills and Reverend Ivica Gregurec are passionate about Sands and supporting bereaved whānau, and have kindly offered to officiate our remembrance service again.

This event will provide an opportunity to meet with other bereaved parents and family members, honour our babies, light a candle in their memory, tie a ribbon on our remembrance heart and be together. There will be light refreshments available after the service. Children and families of all belief systems are welcome.

Date: Sunday 13th October 2024
Time: Service starts at 1:30pm
Venue: Holy Trinity Cathedral, Parnell – in the Bishop Selwyn Chapel

If you would like to come along, please complete the RSVP form below to assist us with catering:

Global Wave of Light – Tuesday 15th October

International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day is recognised across the world, where families gather and take part in the Global Wave of Light from home or at organised services. This involves lighting a candle at 7pm to burn for 1 hour in memory of all the babies who lit up our lives for such a short time. We begin the wave of light in Aotearoa, setting off a continuous wave of light and aroha that wraps around the globe.

We encourage everybody to join in from the comfort of your own home or to attend one of the following  events:

Candle Lighting Ceremony for the Global Wave of Light

Celebrants Helen Rutledge and Kelly Townsend are proud to host a free Wave of Light Remembrance Ceremony with those who are grieving a baby lost during pregnancy or after birth. This will be a special evening of peace, love and remembrance to honour and remember all loved and longed for babies gone too soon.

Tuesday October 15th 2024 – 6:30pm
Settler’s Cottage, Auckland Memorial Park & Cemetery – 2163 East Coast Road, Silverdale, Auckland
The ceremony will start at 6:30pm with candle lighting at 7pm, followed by refreshments.

This is a free event. It is fine to just turn up, but an RSVP to Helen or Kelly would be appreciated for catering purposes. RSVP Helen 0272455837 or Kelly 021331137.

Sands NZ Online Global Wave of Light Service

Sands NZ are again hosting an online service this year on Tuesday October 15th. More information and a link to log in will be available soon.

Light Up Aotearoa

For the past few years, Sands NZ has organised for landmarks across Aotearoa to be lit up in blue, pink and purple for Baby Loss Awareness Week. A list of participating landmarks will be posted in the weeks before Baby Loss Awareness Week.